Christian Meditation Training

Zoom Virtual Group NJ, United States

There is a place within us, a sacred place, where we can experience the presence of God.  Christian meditation is…

Christian Meditation Sessions

Zoom Virtual Group NJ, United States

Supporting your Christian meditation practice is a core component of our ministry.  Having strong support is the key to creating…


Fall Book Club

We are so excited about our next book!  We are going to read, Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer…

Intermediate Christian Meditation Training

e-Learning via Zoom

If you have taken the Introduction to Christian Meditation Training, you are now ready for intermediate training.  The Christian Meditation…


Christian Meditation Training

Training via Zoom

There is a place within us, a sacred place, where we can experience the presence of God.  Christian meditation is…


Christian Meditation Training

Training via Zoom

There is a place within us, a sacred place, where we can experience the presence of God.  Christian meditation is…